Monday, April 9, 2018

Professional Knowledge" Teacher Knowledge"

The four different kinds of knowledge are:
I. knowledge of content (knowing that): The teachers must not be poor in their base that they have to teach, so they should :
  1. Have well known of the material
  2. Teach what they understand
  3. must know more than the basics
  4. must know how the content is related to other topics
II. Pedagogical Knowledge ( knowing how): It is the way to deliver the idea. Each type of knowledge has a specific way to express with a particular content. So it is:
  1. Ways to represent a topic
  2.  Tends to make the information easy 
  3. Based on students understanding, in which they will be able to apply it in the real world.
III. General Pedagogical Knowledge: Knowledge that shares between all teacher (teach in a general way, so every teacher should have). It is divided into instructional strategies and into the classroom management.
  1. Instructional Strategies: The teacher needs to know and understand how to apply different ways of promoting learning like activities and strategies for running lesson smoothly.
  2. Classroom Managment: The teacher needs to know how to create classroom management environment to promote learning like rules, monitor, how to react to misbehaviors, implement, plan,...
IV. Knowledge of learners and learning: 
  1. The teacher does not teach content they teach students.
  2. Adapt instruction to what the students already know
  3. Promote discussion and questioning

Clarity: Framing the Learning

   Clarity is the area of performance that helps in creating mental acts, image who creates by the teacher within students' heads that will result in their understanding. It is not what the teacher does in the class but, it is what happened inside the students' heads and it is also about cognitive interaction so what students mean when they think about teaching.

   One way to decrease problems in class is to be clear when the students do not know what to do. As a result, they start distracting each other. So, as a teacher, it is very important to be very clear.

   Clear instructor and modern organized detailed are the criteria that were related to clarity. There are five areas of teacher behavior in Clarity, one of them is framing the big picture and it is divided into six categories:

I. Framing the Learning:
   It is to put a frame of the learning which makes it clear and meaningful. And help students to place the new information in a larger framework of meaning.

a- Framing the big picture:
  1. Communicating the objectives: to let students know what is expected and what should they do. It is for students and it tells them what they will learn so they will be able to know what to focus on.
  2. Giving students an itinerary: it is a roadmap that tells the students what to do in steps so they will be able to follow with teacher mentally. So, the list of activities they will be doing
  3. Connecting to a big idea or essential question: Teacher needs to make the connection between different things and the aim of teaching is in order to make it meaningful and clear.
  4. Explaining why the objective is worthwhile: Teachers should show the students that what they explaining is important and mention the crucial of learning because it makes students interested in the lesson. Also, the teacher ought to give students the reason and value of what they are learning.
  5. Stating reasons for activities: tell the students why they are doing specific activities and how it leads to the purpose and to the big objective.
  6. Communicating criteria for success: the teacher must tell the students what they require to do to prove the success at the beginning of the lesson, in order to make it rich for them. So it is when a performance involved.
b-Getting ready for instruction:
  1. Activating students' current knowledge: The teacher needs to trigger their background knowledge in order to connect it with the new ideas and make it significant. This tells the students that you already know this topic this makes the students overcome their fears. The teacher can do different things to trigger their knowledge (brainstorming/ work splash,...).
  2. Pre-assessing students knowledge: To know how much the students know about the topic and base our teaching on it.
  3. Anticipating confusion and misconceptions: The teacher should know or guess the things that the students will be confused off while she is teaching, in order to make it clear.



Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Injection Modeling

Throughout this introduction we will discuss the definition of one of the machining techniques that was used in the fabrication process of plastic which are explained in the  Industrial Chemistry course CHEM420 and realized on real world by a visit paid for Panda Plast Company, a plastic products manufacturing company in Bekaa: 
Injection Modeling:Shape-forming process in which molten metal or plastic is injected into aluminum, ceramic, or steel molds (shaped like the end product) and squeezed under high pressure (Dictionary, injection molding, 2016). The process is illustrated in Fig.1. 
Injection molding is employed mainly in the production of solid objects. It has many advantages and injection molding some of them. First, High Efficiency so once the injection molds have been designed, the actual molding process is very quick compared to other methods of molding. Plastic injection molding process hardly takes times and this allows more parts to be manufactured from a single mold. The high production of molding consists more cost effective and efficient. Second, Ability to Use Multiple Plastic Types Simultaneously is the ability to use different types of plastic simultaneously. This can be done with the help of co-injection molding, in which it used a specific type of plastic.

Dictionary, B. (2016). injection molding. USA: webfinanceinc.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Separation Methods: the invention of chromatography

    Separation is an important technique that most widely used in the laboratory. In 1850, the substances were separated by using filter paper, this was done by Schรถnbein. Michael S. Tswett is one of the researchers that was involved with the biochemistry of plants. At that time one could extract chlorophyll and other pigments from house plants, usually from the leaves, easily with ethanol. By evaporating this solvent, there remained a blackish extract which could be re-dissolved in many other solvents and in particular in petroleum ether (now one would say polar or non-polar solvents). However, this last solvent was unable to directly extract chlorophyll from the leaves which are not understood yet1. Many industries now find separations indispensable: the petroleum industry separates crude oil into products which used as fuel was unable to directly extract chlorophyll from the leaves was unable to directly extract chlorophyll from the leaves and chemical raw materials. The pharmaceutical industry separates natural and synthetic drugs to meet health need, and the mining industry is based on the separation of metal2.
    Chromatography is a physico-chemical method of compound’s separation that dispersed based on mobile phase and stationary phase as a physical property and the solute will be separated according to its affinity towards mobile phase and stationary phase. The technique is classified depending on the type of mobile phase and stationary phase used. The separation technique is adsorption chromatography (mobile phase is liquid / stationary phase is solid), partition chromatography (liquid/liquid), since the stationary phase, in this case, is liquid then the stationary phase has to be bonded to the solid bonding support such as silica gel3, ion chromatography (buffered solution (organic or inorganic) / solid stationary phase has a surface composed of ionic sites), size exclusion chromatography (liquid/gel), and affinity chromatography using in which the biochemical mixtures between antigen and antibody is separated by it. Each separation technique is specified for specific mixture so gas chromatography is used for the volatile compound, ion exchange chromatography is used for separating ions, liquid chromatography is used to separate non-volatile compounds, size exclusion chromatography is used to separate compounds based on its molecular weight.1,4 Usually if the stationary phase that was packed on the column is solid then it’s known as column chromatography.
Gas Chromatography

HPLC(High-Performance Liquid Chromatography)

Column Chromatography involves a mobile phase flowering  over a stationary phase 


1 F. Rouessac and A. Rouessac, Chemical Analysis: Modern Instrumentation Methods and Techniques, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2007. Available at: 

2 Karger, Barry L., (2017).Separation and purification. [Online] Available at: 

3 (2008-2009). In CHEMICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY I. Izmir Institute of Technology. 
Column Chromatography. (2008-2009). In C. E. DEPARTMENT, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY I. ฤฐzmir Institute of Technology Available at:

4 Gangadhara, Prema, "The synthesis and characterization of end-capped silica hydride stationary phase" (2011).Master's Theses.Paper 4048.

Silica Gel

Silica is also known silicon dioxide, thus it is an oxide of silicon as shown in (Figure 7) it’s made synthetically from sodium silicate.

Since it adsorbing agent, it can hold water vapor and thus it is classified as the desiccant. It is properties are summarized in (table 1).1 Also, hydrophobic of the solvent is one of the other property that can be added to silica gel. This property leads to form a structure through hydrogen bonding, on which the silica gel is become amorphous and has the ability to become thick for the solvent system. The structural formula is shown in (Figure 8-a),  however, the tetrahedral coordination of Si atom with oxygen atoms will yield the structure shown in (Figure 8-b).  

    Silica is divided into two different types: crystalline and amorphous. The formation of amorphous silica is either by wet and thermal. The wet process is like silica gel and also known as precipitated silica. The thermal process formed fumed silica or pyrogenic silica. The production of silica gel is by the neutralization of a solution of alkali metal silicate with sulfuric acid (gelation). Mixing continues solidification begins; the gelation conditions dictate particle size in the hydrogel, the gel is washed with excess salt. The specific surface areas can be determined then by this procedure. Then silica gel’s pore is filled with water. Silica is used in paints, lacquers, plastics, and paper. The lipid layer is dehydrated by using a silica gel as an insecticide by absorption. Silica is used in cosmetics such as hair color sprays/aerosols. It was also used in non-cosmetic such as, filler in rubber formulations, silica was used as an anti-caking agent in dry powder for the food ingredient. In addition, to maintain flow properties in powder products and to inhibit the separation of components, silica should be used in pharmaceuticals as a thickener in pastes and ointments. This was mentioned by the Cosmetic Ingredient Review Expert Panel members.2
1 (23 March 2017).Silica Gel.[online] Available at :

2 Becker, L. C. (September 25, 2009). Safety Assessment of Silica and Related Cosmetic Ingredients. Washington.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Philosophy of Education"Western And Eastern"

   Education in eastern philosophy branched into several outlets so it doesn’t depend on one achievement. Vedic is one of the eastern philosophy. His aim is to develop the force of nature and make its information more understandable. In Vedic period this aim was more about how to explain and teach people and how to have life and how they really achieve that.

   Eastern philosophy is seen that education is a way achieving wisdom by maintaining the family structure, providing for social and academic concerns. 

In philosophy, eastern suffering accepted part of life. According to Buda, we know the causes of suffering eliminate the desire may be more prepared to minimize this. So, it becomes my job to know how to relate suffering. In eastern, they teach their people to minimize to use of the senses. They believe it’s impossible for the people to keep their senses a work all the time since it could be harmful and make them stress in their society. Over the last few decades, eastern they use to gain knowledge and learn something by giving the lecturing and stories. Such as, they use to learn students religion and stories of Prophet Mohammad. Strictly speaking, middle eastern are in majority in belief in followers to Islam which entitled that God owns everything in his world. Far Eastern focuses on stable traditions, accept as true in a sense of responsibility, they have faith in an unbending class structure, they have robust family bonds, they have influential lineages devotion, and they have confidence in castigation of the body (Kritsonis, 2002). This oral trade they pass from general to another. To sum up, we should also indicate several aspects of the eastern system: 1) Corporate Welfare and Growth-oriented 2) Cooperation and Friendly Mergers 2) Family-owned, Long-term Stockholding 3) Conservative Reserves and Allowances 4) Gradual and Continuous Managerial Improvements (Chang, 2009). Moreover, Eastern education philosophy enforces several rules so students must follow to perfect their outcome. Thus the student is criticized when failure is admitted as an act to motivate the student forward. Thus students will have the ability to convert those comments into a power of self-improvement. While western thinker depends on the more practical, efficient, social and political system.

They prefer to increase in senses and they care too much about other people, they believed that they need to use this senses to be learned. They stay open-minded. Thus the western looks in the process at educational institutes to realize their objectives (Hassan, Zainal Abiddin, & Anuar, 2011). This actually leverages the students’ competency towards greatest goals. And here, we could also add the following aspects: 1) Corporate Control 2) Diffused, Transient, and Myopic Ownership 3) Financial Innovations and Breakthroughs (Chang, 2009). This would definitely in addition to many other aspects affect the view and the way of dealing with the philosophy of educational systems. To emphasize more, Aristotle and Socrates are western philosophers who regularly encourage rational thinking.  That is why students are stimulated to think and share their opinions when they are involved in the group discussion or when they are carrying out their assignment. This, in fact, build strong confidence in students so they don’t be afraid of their mistakes and this is because the western philosophy of education is treated any idea positively so one can learn from mistakes. From Ancient Greece, Western Philosophy is aligned with philosophical thinking.  For instance, Jainism advocates promised not to hurt any form of life (Kritsonis, 2002). Confucius assumed that only after meaningful the goalmouth of excellence where one would reside; one would have a certain determination. This, in fact, means that only after having certain tenacity in life can one attain peace of mind. Thus, only after having attained calmness of mind can one have serene relaxation, only after having peaceful relaxation can one begin to contemplate, and only after one has educated to reflect can reach true acquaintance (Kritsonis, 2002).  I believed in the education that gets the benefit of humanity and respects my religion. For example, on social media, the invention of Whatsapp that was made by western, could be used in a good way or in a negative way. The good way to it first, it facilitates the communication and students can get more knowledge from their instruction by making a group for the class also build a good relationship between the instructor and students. However, Whatsapp could be used just too waste time. People used it to provoke others or by sending something un-moral and ethical to our situations. Nowadays the invention of robotics is the most essential technology that leads to facilitate the communities between educators and the different number of societies. However some people they tend to use it in a way that destroys the bridges of social life as well that destroys the humanities. According to the previous example, the education could be used in a good way and it could be bad. Here I would like to echo the worlds of sheikh Al-Boty, the location of knowledge is the brain and it’s only the lights to distinguish between the straight paths from the curvature paths. The knowledge is like the light bulbs in front of the car only. However, the car needs some kind of force to propel it forward. So as humans in order to move forward, we need the love that is located inside our hearts. In general, the education even propels the humanities to the forward or repel it to the background. And the direction of light is the peoples’ decision, so how they react with the education they will go. No one can live without education because all the world cares to be an educated person and care to develop their self. This can be done by look and understand all the angle side of this world. 

   As a conclusion, Education exists to cause change for better in individuals, societies, countries and the whole world. Though there are different places, whether western or eastern and thus different cultures which in turn affect the way it shapes individuals.  Fortunately, the different ways of approaching the educational systems are intended to get the same outcome. While one stresses the active learning and the other passive learning, one gives space of freedom for student and get him/her involved and the other treat students as receivers and so on. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. But, this report indicates the importance of merging the two philosophies and to be ready to accept any other changes from any other origin. Life is changing so fast than ever before and the educational systems must also get adapted to such changes.  Otherwise, both systems will fall behind the globalization dominance and wouldn’t work then anyway. We have to be honest and commit that there is something tremendously happening all over the world.

1-Chang, S. J. (2009). When East and West Meet: An Essay on the Importance of Cultural Understanding in Global Business Practice and Education. Journal of International Business and Cultural Studies, 1-13.
2-Hassan, A., Zainal Abiddin, N., & Anuar, N. (2011, 7 31). Viewing the Philosophy of Education from the Perspectives of Different Schools of Thought. International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities, pp. Vol. 1, No. 2 (2011), pp. 55-64.
3-Kritsonis. W.A. (2002). Schooling. BookMasters, Inc.

Cooperative Learning Lessons Planning Guide

§  Subject Area: Chemistry “ Acids and Bases Solutions”

§  Grade Level: Eight “8”

Lesson Description:

   The acidic and Basic solution is the first chapter in unit four “Acids, Bases and Salts” for grade eight students. During this period (60 min) students will have a great knowledge about the identification of the properties of acids and bases. Also, they will come with acidity and concept of pH. To give the lesson its evaluability, the instructor prefers to apply a Graffiti strategy from the cooperative learning models and introduce the process of this model in order to discuss and summarize the topic from all the students in the class. The members will be divided into groups. Each cooperative group has one paper and different colored pins. While every group writes their note on their particular topic. Then the teacher asks each group to collect all the ideas that found in the paper to discuss, summarize and present it.


ร˜  Academic Objectives:

1.      Students will be able to:

·         Identify the properties of acids and bases

o   Classification of solutions in to acidic and basic

o   The electrical conductivity of acidic and basic solutions

o   Properties of acids and bases

·         Acidity and Concept of pH

ร˜  Social Objectives:

·         Think and work together

·         Validate and accept others idea  


·         Paper ( Topic)

·         Different pen colors

·         Cards number

·         Assignment

Organizational Decisions:

ร˜  Group Size:

·         The twenty students will be divided into four groups each including five members. Also, the teacher will take care of each group and help them when they ask

ร˜  Assignment to the group:

·         The groups' member was classified in a heterogeneous way according to both sexes and the level of performance and achievement.

รผ  Group 1: S1 S2 S3 S4 S5

รผ  Group 2: S6 S7 S8 S9 S10

รผ  Group 3: S11 S12 S13 S14 S15

รผ  Group 4: S16 S17 S18 S19 S20

ร˜  Room Arrangement:

Task Directions: 
   The duration of this session was 60 min. At the beginning of this session, I want to make a recall knowledge of the information that was taken in the previous session for about five minutes.
   After refreshing their memories, students’ brain will become ready to receive new knowledge to build upon the solid foundation being received in the previous session. That’s why students will receive a set of instructions to follow during the implementations of the model. [5min] 
   First of all, I told them that today you will be distributed into four clusters, then I started to organize the tables and groups members and separate the card's number (1,2,3,4 ) on the 4 tables. After that, I offer each student a card number and every five members having the same numbers will belong to the same clutch. Finally, they have to look at the cards to see where they have to sit. And I give each group a name. For instance, you are group A, you are group B, you are group C and you are group D. [7min]  
   Since the social interaction between each group is important to enhance their behavior than I told them that I want to put a score for the crowd that had a good respecting, accepting their friends' idea etc. … and the group that gets the high score then other groups will give them a gift. While if you are equally then you will give each other a gift also I will give each group ones from me. [5min] 
   Next, I will give each group a different topic to which they respond [1 min]. Behinds of that each group will have a reference. For a short period of time [10 min], every group in the room writes their notes on their particular topic.
   Then, I will ask them to stops, asks each group to move to another station. So, group A will go to group B, group B to group C, group C to group D and group D to group A. this will take about two minutes. Now, with each group responding to the new topic. At that moment, I will ask each group to read what their groups did and add another idea to them. Besides that, I will give them a reinforcement by telling them that set A and B work good and they respect each other, as well as they, will accept ideas from each other and use encouraging words to each other so I will give them a bonus mark for that behavior. 
When they finished this round, I will request them once again to switch their place. This process continues until a group’s original topic return to them. This will take about eight minutes.
   Once all the groups discussed all the topic, every cluster should collect, debated and summarized all the ideas that were related to their topic in a paragraph or as clear points. As soon as I will ask randomly one student from every clutch to present it [6min]. 
   In the end, I will ask them to clean the class and organize the table. And I will help them to do that, so they feel that we are one soul. In addition, I will thank them for this great session that they made. [3min] 
   During this session, I was stilling move around them, ask them if they need help, look if they do effort and monitoring them to see how their work is going on.
Positive Interdependence:
1.      Goal: each group discusses all the topics. Then at the end, they used to analyze the information of their original topic. Also, they have to adapt their-self to use social skills among others.
2.      Identity: every cluster will have a letter name (A, B, C, and D).
3.      Sequence: every crowd move from their station to another and discussed other topics.
4.      Resources:  each group will have one paper to write on it and different colored pens. Also, each group will have a reference in front of them to pick up the answer. 
5.      Tangible: the groups that show respecting others, think and wrote together. Then other groups should give them a gift and if they are equally I will give each other and I will give each group one.
6.      Environmental: each group has her own table based on their letter name and they sit in a circular way so all the group facing each other.
Individual Accountability: 
1.      Success: I was around them all the time so I help them when they ask and I monitoring their work in a respectful way so they will feel with a blameless attainment. Also, I select appropriate instructional goals and relevant activities that allow students get the experience from it. 
2.      Concerns: I told each group to write their notes in 10 minutes so they do more effort on their work. And when they replace their place, I probed them to read and add new notes to their friends’ ideas.
3.      I asked every group to discuss summarized and present their original topic.
Criteria for Success: 
   Academic and social goals are the criteria that lead reaching the high achievement of success. Concerning the social goals leads to reach directly the academic goals by let students listen and wait for their turns to present what they summarized.
Evaluation of:
ร˜  Academic:
o   Acidic solution changes the color into red color and colorless, respectively, with:
1.      Blue litmus paper, phenolphthalein
2.       Phenolphthalein, blue litmus paper
3.      Red litmus paper, blue litmus paper
4.      Phenolphthalein, red litmus paper
o   Basic solution changes the color into blue and pink color, respectively, with:
1.      Blue litmus paper, phenolphthalein
2.      Phenolphthalein, blue litmus paper
3.      Red litmus paper, phenolphthalein
4.      Phenolphthalein, red litmus paper
o   We measure the acidity and basicity by using:
1.      Voltmeter
2.      pH mater 
3.      Ammeter
o   The pH of acids and base is:
1.      >7, <7 
2.      = 7
3.      <7, >7
o   Acid and base solution is a good conductor of electricity because they are: 
1.      Ions
2.      Neutral
o   The basic solution usually used to:
1.      Make the solution more acid
2.      Make the solution basic 
3.      To neutralize it
o   Acidic solution reacts with active metals to produce:
1.      Hydrogen gas
2.      Carbon dioxide gas
3.      None of the above
o   The production of carbon dioxide is because:
1.      The acidic solution reacts with carbonate 
2.      The basic solution reacts with carbonate 
3.      The acidic solution reacts with active metals 
ร˜  Social Learning “In Small Group”:
o   Do you feel that your friends respect you in a group?
1.      Yes 
2.      No
o   Do you feel that you work, share the information together?
1.      Yes 
2.      No
o   Do you feel that and your friends accepting your ideas?
1.      Yes 
2.      No

Professional Knowledge" Teacher Knowledge"

The four different kinds of knowledge are: I. knowledge of content (knowing that): The teachers must not be poor in their base that they ha...