Reflection on Educational Technology

1- Google Drive:
Google Drive

 In the google drive, we can do many things like:
 - share

    All things will be saved in the cloud, it will never be lost. In addition, you do not need to upload, and you can access it anytime you want. the files that were found in the drive can be reached from any smartphone, tablet, and computer.

2- Google Forms:

See the source image

     Is a free tool from the google drive that allows you to make quizzes, surveys,... And you will be able to change the color and view it to how the answer could like. Also, you can organize your form by adding Header( Topic, Name, Date,..). In addition, students after finishing the exam will be able to see their marks and the teachers feedback and teacher can see the responses by graphs (where students do well and where not).

3- Webinars:
Image result for logo of webinars

it's a seminar, a presentation that was presented online. Usually, it was done by audio with slides.    and the participants can participate and interact at the same time as it's in normal classes

4- Blogs:

Image result for logo of blogs

Is used to update personal journals " online", posts, pages, articles. You can add and comment others.


We use padelt for :
  1. sharing collaborating learning
  2. Brainstorm ideas from a class
  3. Sharing infromation to an audience
It is important to the classroom environment, and it could work as an individuals or class. The teacher can ask students questions or ask them to share their idea about something else (e.g. write something about teachers' day, mothers' day, how can this course help you?...). So, it is usefull because all people can communicate to one anothr and sharing their ideas which enhance the cooperation between students.

6- Poster:

Scientific poster includes:
  1. Introduction (literature review)
  2. Objective
  3. Material
  4. Methods
  5. Results
  6. Discussion
  7. Conclusion
  8. References
  9. Contact information ( Name, Name of the instructor and email,.. )
Students should pay attention to the heading of the same important should have same type and same font size and must be take into consideration several elements such as, use of color, font, size and space. Students tends to use poster in order to sent the message about a specific topic they have discuss it. the information is written in the poster as bullets. Mostly, it is used in conference, Science day,..

7- WebQuest:

The Component of webquest is:
  1. Title
  2. Introduction( Overview)
  3. Tasks ( What students will do, and it must be mentioned in bullets)
  4. Process ( place, steps, directions " should be in points", instructions and links)
  5. Evaluation ( critertia/ Rubric " How the report is evaluated?")
  6. Conclusion 
Webquest include things like video, poster, books, and models,... .

8- Rubistar:

It is an online rubric that teacher use it to evaluate students based on specific criteria.

9- Activinspire:

Is a powerfull program that was designed for promethean. It is parallel to power point but its made for teaching purposes rather that presentation purposes. We can use it with LCD projector. It contains tool bar that can be moved up or down and left or right also it consists of seven browser that help the teacher to prepare a good lesson for the students. And we can name more than flipchart. The teacher should keep in his/her mind when working in activinspire to:
  1. Calibrate
  2. Refresh
  3. Design/ presentation modes

10. Kahoot:

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪kahoot log‬‏

Kahoot is a game that can be easily used to introduce the topic, to assess students during the lesson or at the end of the lesson. It tends to motivate students and encourage them to participate and to challenge each other where grades are shown at the end.

1 comment:

  1. Your reflections about these applications are accurate and simple, but the images of icons that you used made them more clear and interesting :)


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